Co-op shopping allows up to 5 customers to participate in the same stream with one streamer. A customer who requests the stream and invites others to join is called the Host, and all others, Guests. Each participant receives an individual icon based on their screen name and a random colour.

Host experience

Before starting a co-op stream, the Host is requested to choose a screen name. This name is tied to the name that they may have entered if Collecting customers' personal data has been enabled. If the Host edits their name at this step, the edits are saved.


Inviting guests

Invitations to a stream are sent out via sharable links available upon clicking the Person icon to the left of the Close icon.

Only the Host can invite others to join the stream.

M Chat - waiting for response-1.png

M Chat - waiting for response.png

Other functionality

The rest of functionality is unchanged for the Host. They can close and re-open the dialog, end it, evaluate the experience, etc.

Also, if Adding a product to cart and placing an order is enabled, the Host is the one who can accept or reject the streamer's suggestion to add an item to the cart or add an item to the cart without a suggestion. Guests can't add items to the cart at this time.


Guest experience

To join the co-op dialog, a Guest needs to open the link the Host shared with them and accept the invitation by choosing a screen name and clicking Ready.

Stream window.png

When a Guest enters the dialog, others are notified via a message in the chat.

When a Guest enters the dialog, others are notified via a message in the chat.

Guests can participate in the co-op stream, write comments and speak through the microphone. Of course, they can see everything that happens within the dialog, including the stuff the streamer shows, says and writes, and everything other participants say or write. Also, they can read the Privacy Policy, report errors and problems, and see a finished dialog in their dialog list.

Guests can’t close the dialog themselves or subscribe to notification, unlike the Host. Guests also can not schedule an appointment, it is being done by the streamer and the Host. However, they receive a notification once the scheduled stream is appointed and can add the event to their calendar.

In addition, Guests don’t see the Add to cart button in the widget as well as the invitation to add the product to cart that is made by the streamer. Nothing prevents them from adding the product to their cart from the product page after closing the stream though.

Streamer's experience

The streamer's experience is unchanged besides the fact that they can see the participant list and the icons in the chat.

The streamer can not add or remove participants.

Co-op 2.jpg

Co-op shopping.jpg

Still have got questions? Experiencing a problem? Encountered a bug? Please refer to our customer support team. We are here to help!

Jira Service Management


Basic stuff

What is eyezon

Technical requirements

Business account registration

Creating and setting up eyezon button

Placing the button on your website

Streamer team

Streamer experience

Statistics and data

Integration with Shopify

Integration with WordPress

Advanced stuff

Button and widget appearance, behavior and placement: advanced settings

Collecting customers' personal data

Scheduled stream a.k.a. planned appointment

Co-op shopping

Adding a product to cart and placing an order

Smart Routing


End-to-end analytics with eyezon

Performance dashboard and realtime monitoring

Android SDK Integration Developer Guide

iOS SDK Integration Developer Guide

Open API

System of events

Security paragraph
