<aside> ©️ All brand names, trade marks and service marks mentioned in this article are fictional. Any coincidence with real brand names, trade marks, service marks etc. is unintentional.


What is Smart Routing?

Smart Routing is sending out stream requests to certain streamers instead of all streamers linked to a button. These streamers can be now defined individually (we introduced a new parameter, streamerId, for this purpose), or through connection of these streamers to shops reflected in shopId parameter.

How to set up Smart Routing

Smart Routing is available to all our clients. Setting up Smart Routing requires the following steps:

1. Assign streamerId and/or shopId values to your streamers

You can use Excel file you use to upload streamers to your buttons (please see Import streamers from Excel file section in Streamer team article for more details). There are two new columns in the Excel template download from your eyezon account: Shop ID and Employee ID. Please fill them in with shopId and/or streamerId values generated on your side and reupload the file. IDs can contain the following symbols: a-zA-Z0-9.


<aside> ⚠️ If you decide to reuse the Excel file you are already using to upload streamers to the button, please mind the order of the columns.


<aside> 💡 You might want to use employee number from your HR management system for streamerId.


2. Set up routing reset timeout

Routing reset is when the stream request is sent out to all streamers linked to the button, after having been sent to the selected ones, as if no routing were set up.

The timeout before the reset is defined by resetRoutingAfterSeconds parameter specified in the eyezon widget code, within 'init' call, set in seconds.

eyeZon('init', {
        businessId: '5d63fe246c2590002eecef83',
        region: 'us-1',
        **resetRoutingAfterSeconds: 60**

<aside> ⚠️ If resetRoutingAfterSeconds is not specified, Smart Routing will be never reset, which means that at no moment in time the stream request will be distributed to all the streamers linked to the button. Only selected streamers will see stream requests.


3. Set up your website and sales management system

For our system to pick the task to send out the stream request to selected streamers, shopId and/or streamerId parameters need to be passed from your system. This means that the logic of routing has to be set up on your side.

You can route stream requests to streamers depending on their online status, their rating in your system, their specialization and location, the availability of the item in the stores where the streamers work, etc. (please see two example scenarios below).

4. Send streamerId and/or shopId parameters to the eyezon widget