If you have a large product range and/or high website traffic, you can roll out the eyezon service for your customers gradually, by installing the button first on one of the sections of the site like Sale, New items, etc., or by using eyezon with certain product categories. After becoming comfortable with the service and ensuring its smooth functioning, you can scale the service up to the entire site.

Options for the eyezon button page position

eyezon allows the customer to contact the streamer directly and receive information they may miss in the description and images of the product. Therefore, it is most logical to place the button on the product page, next to the product images and description.

Placing the button next to the product description

One of the most common practices is to place the eyezon button next to the product description and the "Add to Cart" button, the most visible item on the page.


Integration into image carousel or slider

Since eyezon allows the customer to see the product live, it also makes sense to place the button next to visual content, in a carousel or slider with product images.


In a pop-up window

For some goods and services, it makes the most sense to conduct live streams as early as possible. In this case, we recommend you place the button in a pop-up window.


Combining approaches

You can combine different button position options to get the most out of eyezon. To do this, you can create several different buttons on the same page, or place the same button in several places.

<aside> 💡 eyezon is a new service, and shoppers are just starting to get used to it, so don't be afraid to experiment. You can compare button performance in different places on the page and do A/B tests to find your perfect solution.


Script embedding

To start working with the service, you need to embed our script onto each page of your site before the closing tag </body>.

If every page on your site is a separate file, insert this script onto every page that has an eyezon button.

If you use a common footer on different pages of your site, you can place our script there. In this case, the button will be launched from any page of the site that shares this footer.