Useful links

Link to the eyezon SDK test app project:


You can download, compile and launch this project on your side to see the demo version of the integration.

<aside> ⚠️ SDK is imported as framework.


<aside> ⚠️ eyezon SDK requires iOS 5 and newer to function correctly. If you use our SDK in projects developed for iOS versions from 11 to 14.3, please hide eyezon controls from the user interface and don't call eyezon services because they won't function, although it won't affect the rest of the application functionality. Using eyezon SDK in projects created for iOS versions previous to 11 is discouraged.


1. SDK connection

1.1. Add framework to the project

Download and import framework (/EyezonSDK.xcframework) - embed (Embed & Sign), into the project (Targets → Your app → General → Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content)

1.2. Add push notification capability (Target → Your app → Signing & Capabilities → + Capability → Push Notifications)

1.3 Allow microphone usage (Info.plist → Privacy - Microphone Usage Description)

1.4. Integration of dependency

Import the library and specify import with SDK interaction

import EyezonSDK

2. Interaction between SDK and your mobile app

Create an EyezonBroadcastReceiver extension in YourController and register the event in your app.

extension YourController: EyezonBroadcastReceiver {
    func onConsoleEvent(eventName: String, event: [String: Any]) {
        print(#function, " \\(eventName)")

SDK returns onConsoleEvent(eventName: String, event: String) events on button press, dialog start, etc. into webview: